Water Morning Glory(কলমি ফুল) - Ipomoea aquatica

Bengali Name : কলমি ফুল, Kolmi Ful.
Common Name : Water Morning Glory.
Botanical Name : Ipomoea aquatica
Family : Convolvulaceae(Morning glory family)

কলমি ফুল নিয়ে আগেও একটা লেখা লিখেছিলাম... আজকে আবারও কলমি ফুল নিয়ে লেখা, তবে আজকের এই সাদা ফুলের মাঝে হালকা বেগুনি রঙের একটা ছোয়া আছে... গ্রাম গঞ্জের পুকুর ডোবায় হরহামেশাই দেখা যায় এই ফুলকে... একসাথে অনেক ফুল হয়... আগাছা হলেও গ্রামের লোকজন শাক হিসাবে ব্যবহার করে কলমি কে...

This flower is known as Kolmi Shak Ful(কলমি শাক ফুল) in Bangladesh. I have posted another flower swamp morning glory which is similar to this one in every aspect. But today's flower is different in color, and also this one grows widely at water or around the water, not cultivated.

Botanical name of the flower is Ipomoea aquatica. English name is Water Morning Glory. It belongs to the plant family Convolvulaceae. This is a very fast growing herbaceous plant that is considered as an invasive weed. Though in Bagladesh we use this as a palatable vegetable.

Edited version.

Flowers are similar to all morning glory flowers. It has a shape of star inside the funnel. Main color of the flower is white, but the purplish violet touch at the center of the flower just made this delicately beautiful. Petals of the flower are very crappy.

The pond is covered with this plant and flourished with exotic flowers.

Photos of this article were taken from Nijhum Dwip(নিঝুম দ্বীপ) during December 2012. This island is profound with this semi aquatic flower.
