White Powder Puff - Calliandra haematocephala Alba

Common Name : White Powder Puff
Botanical Name : Calliandra haematocephala 'Alba'
Family : Mimosaceae(Touch-me-not family)

এইটা একটা বিদেশি ফুল... রেইনট্রী গোত্রের মধ্যে পরে... কড়ই ফুলের মতন দেখতে এই ফুলের বাংলায় কোন নাম নাই... ঢাকাতে রাস্তায় বা বাড়ীর সামনে মাঝে মাঝেই একই রকম দেখতে লাল রঙের ফুলটা দেখা যায়... কিন্তু সাদা রঙের আর কোথাও দেখি নাই...

Botanical name is Calliandra haematocephala 'Alba'. It pertains to the plant family Mimosaceae. This is a foreign flower but I found it a yard of a house. It doesn't have any Bengali(বাংলা) name. Common name is White Powder Puff flower. It is native to Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, etc countries. But we have lot of other plants from the same genus which are commonly known as rain-tree in Bangladesh(বাংলাদেশ).

This flower is delicately beautiful alike others from the same flowering genus Calliandra. Calliandra actually means beautiful stamens. And its true, the flower has a lot of puff like silky stamens, in fact no petals. All those puffs form a shape of a ball and gives the flower an exotic look. This flower is favorite to the hummingbirds, also sometimes to the butterflies. Color of this flower is white, but at another variant, it can be red/rosy.

This is an small sized plant and can grow up to 4 meter in height. Its an evergreen tree and grows very fast. Leaflets are having an array of small leafs at the both sides. Also the leafs are used to close during night. This tree brings flower during winter and spring season.

Photos of this article were taken from Nawabganj(নবাবগঞ্জ) of Dhaka during January 2012. I was traveling there to visit the old edifices from Kolakopa(কলাকোপা).
