Indian nightshade - Solanum indicum

Common Name : Indian nightshade.
Binomial Name : Solanum indicum
Family : Solanaceae
Bangla Name : Tit begun.
Photo Taken : Bangladesh

Indian nightshade, Solanum indicum

Today's plant name is Indian nightshade. Binomial name of the plant is Solanum indicum. It is from the plant family Solanaceae (potato family). This plant is native to Indian subcontinent.

Indian nightshade, Solanum indicum

Indian nightshade (Solanum indicum) is a small shrubby plant with big leafs. The stem can be slightly woody when mature. This plant resembles the Aubergine plant. Leafs are alternately arranged and having long petiole. Leafs have thorn. This plant grows in woodland and in bush with other plants.

Indian nightshade, Solanum indicum

Flowers are white (can be violet or light pink in other verities). Five petals forming a shape like a star. It has five yellow filaments and has a stigma at the middle of it. Flower blooms during the morning, and start demising as the day progresses. Fruits are small and round in shaped, become yellow/red when ripen. Fruits are like a miniature version of Aubergine.

Indian nightshade, Solanum indicum

The whole plant has more or less utilisation as herbal medicine such as to treat digestion, cough, gum pain. It also has use to influence sexual excitement.

Indian nightshade, Solanum indicum

In Bangladesh this plant is known as Tit begun (তিত বেগুন) or Titbegun (তিতবেগুন). Photos of Indian nightshade (Solanum indicum) were taken from the following locations of Bangladesh.
1. September 2011: Moulvibazar,
2. July 2012: Khagrachhari.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog
