White Butterfly Clerodendrum

White Butterfly Clerodendrum

Another jungle flower from Bangladesh. I have seen this flower beside a stream inside jungle of Rangamati The plant seemed to me a perennial shrub having evergreen leafs. I have searched in internet and found several flowers those are exactly identical to this flower and even the seeds and the leafs are identical too. Only problem is the color. Those are sometimes blue and sometimes having one petal is blue. But my flower is white in color. I'd like to call this flower as White Butterfly Clerodendrum.

White Butterfly Clerodendrum

White Butterfly Clerodendrum is having pale while color. Shape of this flower is like a butterfly. It has five petals. Four petals (bisected two at either sides) forming a shape of butterfly, and the other petal (large and bottom one) is forming the tail of a butterfly. The filaments of this flower are like the antenna of the butterfly. Those filaments are curvy and having yellow stamen at the top. Seeds are black when ripen.

White Butterfly Clerodendrum

Flowers which are identical to this flower are Rotheca myricoides, Rotheca serrata, Clerodendrum Ugandense, etc. This flower obviously from the plant family Lamiaceae, but I've failed to find the exact Botanical name of this one. Definitely this flower is endemic to our hilly areas of Bangladesh.

White Butterfly Clerodendrum

Photos of this White Butterfly Clerodendrum is taken from the Rangamati district (Bangladesh) during July 2011. It was near a water stream in Ghagra.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog https://icflora.blogspot.com/
