Doi Gota - Bixa orellana

Common Name : Lipstick tree.
Binomial Name : Bixa orellana
Family : Bixaceae
Bangla Name : Doi gota.
Photo Taken : Bangladesh

Doi Gota, Bixa orellana
Lovely pinkish white flower.

Name of this interesting plant is Lipstick tree. Common names for this plant around the world are Annato, Urucum, Achiote, etc. This is native to Brazil, South America and later dispersed by the Spaniards during 17th century. In Bangladesh, this is known as Doi gota. Binomial name of the plant is Bixa orellana. It belongs to the plant family Bixaceae. People use the seeds to extract color which later they use in cooking, coloring, etc.

Doi Gota, Bixa orellana

Lipstick tree (Bixa orellana) plants are mainly shrubby types (occasionally as tree) and having 6-20 feet tall. Leafs are medium sized and not that much attractive. Flowers are slight pinkish white in color. It has separated five petals with plenty of filaments at the middle of the flower. As the flowers are attractive, people are using this as an ornamental plant in their garden. Flowers use to bloom during and after the rainy season in Bangladesh.

Doi Gota, Bixa orellana
Fruits covered with soft thorns (or fur).

Lipstick tree (Bixa orellana) fruits are not tasty and having very soft thorns around. Seeds are very hard and deep red in color, people use those seeds to extract colors. South American Indigenous people are using that color to paint their bodies since long past. Philippines is the country that is cultivating this seeds in a large scale now a days for industrial dyeing, and cosmetic purpose.

Photos of this article were taken by my colleagues from Bandarban during our tour in November 2009. The tree was beside the Boga Lake, and it was a lovely sunny day. In Bangladesh this plant is known as Doi gota (দই গোটা).

Below is the news that was on today's newspaper.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011, Page 28 (Noksha -8), Prothom Alo.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog


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